《荔枝楼》Lychee Tower
Residency at 2019 Gazetteer-Novel X SallyProject, The Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Xili, Shenzhen, China
Poster of Lychee Tower Poster of SallyProject’s Tongfuyu Work Station Flyers in the Tongfuyu Industrial Park. The handmade books displayed in the Tongfuyu Community Library. The handmade books displayed in the Tongfuyu Community Library. The pink handmade books of Lychee Tower
Lychee Tower is a collection of five short stories I wrote based on the oral history of the Xili neighborhoods across the past forty years (from the 1980s to the 2010s). This was an immediate writing residency that last for less than two weeks, and I conducted research and interviews and finished writing the stories during my stay at SallyProject.
The five stories are “Pineapple Hill,” “The No. 7 Black Dog,” “Happy 366,” “Tongfuyu,” and “Liuxian.” Each story reflects on a typical group of residents who embraced a “Shenzhen Dream.” I handmade several sets of these five stories and displayed them in the community library of the Tongfuyu Industrial Park as a work of the exhibition Tongfuyu Work Station.
The exhibition was sponsored by the Guan Shanyue Art Museum. The stories were also recorded as audio books with the local accents and can be found on my WeChat public page.