Collecting Mementoes

《集忆信物》Collecting Mementoes: In the Absence of the Monument

An exhibition proposal for Spare Space, Shanghai, China

Bookstore Plan, Wang Renzheng; The Hallway, Alan Kwan; Windloom, Siman Li; Memoric, Ying Zou

Collecting Mementoes: In the Absence of the Monument is an proposed exhibition that I co-curated with Mengni Zhang and submitted to the 2nd “Micro-Curatorial Project” by Fy Foundation, which was then shortlisted.

The proposed exhibition tries to examine alternative counter-monuments which register the ethnic change and to oppose authorities who influence the historical narrative of the place. A finished monument in positive form may seal up memory into a pedestal, while an unfinished memorial process can foster memory and envision the future. How better to mark a variation than by another variation?