Interview with the Founder of UCLA Game Lab: Achieving “Can Do” Through “Don’t Do,” indienova, December 2024.
Punking Up the Game Scene: An Interview with The Bit Bash Interactive Arts Festival, indienova, August 2024.
《〈劍星〉之她說他說:當男人成為玩家,女人就得成為遊戲嗎?》,《端傳媒》, 2024年5月, Initium Media, May 2024.
“Curating A Chinese Game Designer’s Solo Show and Responding to GDC: What’s This Antique Institution Really Up to?,” indienova, March 2024.
《Atuel:一條河,一個人,一朵雲》,”Atuel: A River, A Man, and A Cloud,” 《端傳媒》, 2024年2月, Initium Media, February 2024.
编辑/Editing:《数字策展》,”Curating the Digital Expanded,” OnCurating, 2023年 8 月第 56 期,Issue 56, August 2023.
《為何感覺〈長安三萬里〉在罵我,以及如果能重來,女人能否當李白?》,《端傳媒》, 2023年8月, Initium Media, August 2023.
Game Design of Creating Experiential Situations: An Interview with the Futurist Stuart Candy, indienova, July 2023.
《如何预防“雪崩”?元宇宙里的共创使命》, “How to Prevent ‘Snow Crash’? The Mission of the Co-Creating in the Metaverse,” 《@LOFT》第43期,2023 年 1 月, @LOFT Magazine by OCT-LOFT, the 43rd issue, January 2023.
《未来如此不确定,艺术还能做什么?康奈尔双年展在一座校园里做的变革实验》, “When the Future is Uncertain, What can Art do? The Cornell Biennial’s Revolutionary Experiment at the Campus”, 《艺术新闻/中文版》2022 年 11 月, The Art Newspaper China, November 2022.
Running an Arcade Bar in a Way of Operating an Art Gallery Interview with Mark Kleback, indienova, November 2022.
一起玩派对游戏吧:走访纽约街机酒吧 Wonderville, “Let’s Play Party Games: A Visit to the NYC-based Arcade Bar ‘Wonderville'”, indienova, November 2022.
Interview with Sam Barlow: From Her Story to IMMORTALITY, indienova, August 2022.
《在這個超級瑪莉婭遊戲中,拯救伴侶前你需要先找到廁所》, “In This Super Maria Game, You Need to Find a Toilet Before Saving Your Partner,” 《端傳媒》, 2022年8月, Initium Media, August 2022.
魅惑水妖vs灵质星球,《爱死机3》最火这两集强在哪? “The Bewitching Siren VS The Mystical, the Two Best Episodes of Love Death + Robots (2022)”, 动画学术趴, 2022年6月, Anim-babblers, June 2022.
从庵野秀明到Dior高定奢侈品,他们都喜爱的“蒸汽朋克”长什么样? “From Hideaki Anno to Dior, what does their favorite ‘Steampunk’ look like?”, 动画学术趴, 2022年6月, Anim-babblers, June 2022.
从宫崎骏到《爱死机》,他们都喜爱的“蒸汽朋克”是什么? “From Hayao Miyazaki to ‘Love Death + Robots’, what is actually their favorite ‘Steampunk’? “,动画学术趴, 2022年5月, Anim-babblers, May 2022.
《当我们谈动画挤不进艺术圈时,到底在谈什么?》“What are we actually talking about when we ask why animation is not in the art circle?”,动画学术趴, 2022年3月, Anim-babblers, March 2022.
编辑/Editing: “创想学习号”青少年特刊《UNArt 2020 Issue 6: Imagine-Create I》, UNArt Center.
编辑/Editing: Collaborating with Care: Florian Weigl Talking about Future Collaboration, UNArt Center, July 2021.
《深度剖析!为什么水手服让人记住了美少女战士?》“Why sailor uniforms remind us of Sailor Moon?”,动画学术趴, 2021年6月, Anim-babblers, February 2021.
编辑/Editing:《廿一谈词》,Talking Words in 21, 泼先生, 2021年2-6月, Pulsasir, February – June 2021.
《艺术人的游戏叙事、策展创新和行业反讽——《遗忘工程师》另类测评》“Art People’s Game Narratives, Curatorial Innovation, and Criticism on the Art Industry — an Alternative Review of ‘Forgetter,'”《歧路批评》, 2021年5月, QiLu Criticism, May 2021.
《我,女性,一個愛看遊戲的人》”I, Female, a Game Watcher,”《端傳媒》, 2021年5月, Initium Media, May 2021.
《媒体艺术走马灯:从电视机到移动终端》“The Revolving Lantern of Media Art,”《上海艺术评论》,2021年4月,Shanghai Art Review, April 2021.
《这部殿堂级少女漫其实是一本朋克穿搭指南》”Vivienne Westwood in the Classic Manga Series ‘NANA,’ “ 动画学术趴, 2021年3月, Anim-babblers, March 2021.
《迪士尼的通病在这部新片里能治好吗?》”Can Disney Orientalism be Cured in this Animation?” 动画学术趴, 2021年2月, Anim-babblers, February 2021.
《UNArt 2020》编辑与校对, Editing and proofreading services for UNArt 2020, UNArt Center.
《过了2020年,地球还爱人类吗?》”Would Earth Still Love Humans after the Year 2020?” 动画学术趴, 2020年12月, Anim-babblers, December 2020.
《为什么在动画中,我们更容易接受多元性别观》”Why it is Easier for Us to Accept Sexual Diversity in Anime?” 动画学术趴, 2020年12月, Anim-babblers, December 2020.
《“巴别塔”为什么总修不起来——来自人机关系的启发》“Why Had Tower of Babel Never Been Built?” 明当代美术馆冬眠研究所报告, 2020 年 5 月, a Review of the “Hibernation Research” Organized by Ming Contemporary Art Museum, May 2020.
《西沥荔丽》Xililili, 《方志小说》2020 年 Gazetteer-Novel, 2020.
《荔枝楼》Lychee Tower, 方志小说与西丽计划联合驻地项目, 2020 年 1 月, a Work at the Joint Residency by Gazetteer-Novel x SallyProject, Jan 2020.
《媒体,媒体,在掌上:中国年轻女性的社交媒体焦虑》(未发表), 2019 年 11 月, “Media, Media on the Palm: Young Chinese Women’s Anxieties Triggered by Social Media Interactions” (unpublished), November 2019.
– An independent research aiming to understand why and under what conditions young Chinese women suffer from anxiety attacks caused by social media, as well as to discover whether and how the social media allows young women to vent their anxieties. Research was performed through distributing questionnaires and conducting semi-structured interviews with twenty-three target participants and seven reference participants revealed a few primary findings.
《红钩岸上的谜思》 The Enigmas at Red Hook, DE-CONSTRUKT, 2019.
– a collection of five short stories inspired from my research about the Red Hook community’s communal experience with the Hurricane Sandy. It is an assembly of contemporary folklores, a visual essay, a multifaceted regional profile, and an alternative elegy.
《从《鸟飞了》到《汉字的性格》:徐冰与康奈尔的十六年》”Xu Bing and Cornell University,” 《典藏·今艺术》2019 年 1 月刊, ARTCO China, January 2019. Translated Excerpts.
《康奈尔双年展:艺术引发跨学科讨论》”A Review of Cornell Council for the Arts 2018 Biennial,” 《典藏·今艺术》2018 年 11 月刊, ARTCO China, November 2018. Translated Excerpts.
《技术泛化下展览位置性的虚与实》”The Real and Unreal Locality of Exhibition in Tech Trends,” 《典藏·今艺术》2018 年 3 月刊, ARTCO China, March 2018. Translated Excerpts.
《一束光如何装满一间房:浅谈新媒体艺术的收藏》”How to Fill a Room with a Light: Brief Probe into Collecting New Media Art,” 《@LOFT》2017 年 12 月刊, @LOFT Magazine by OCT-LOFT, December 2017. Translated Excerpts.
《旧金山湾区的爱与自由》”Love and Freedom in the San Francisco Bay Area,” 《@LOFT》2017 年 8 月刊, @LOFT Magazine by OCT-LOFT, August 2017.
《巨浪、美人与“画狂”:葛饰北斋和他的浮世绘世界》”Katsushika Hokusai and His Ukiyo-e World,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 6 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, June 2017.
《章鱼吃了它的脚:村上隆和他的艺术“创业论”》”The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg: Takashi Murakami and His Art Entrepreneurship,”《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 6 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, June 2017.
《旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆开启“王陵瑰宝”》”Tomb Treasures: The Han Royal Lifestyle,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 4 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, April 2017.
《克里姆特画中的爱与性、生与死》”Love, Sex, Life and Death in Klimt’s Paintings,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 4 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, April 2017.
《谬斯是一种相互关系:庞克教母派蒂·史密斯与罗伯特·梅普尔索普贯穿 20 年的情谊》”Mutual Muses: Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 2 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, February 2017.
《在伯克利,回溯“嬉皮现代主义”》”Hippie Modernism in Berkeley,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2017 年 2 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, February 2017.
《策展、策展主义和商业:以博物馆商店为例》(未发表) Curating, Curationism, and Commerce: the Case of the Museum Store (unpublished), 2016 年 4 月, April 2016.
– A thesis submitted to the faculty of California College of the Arts in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree. Through interviewing eight museum professionals who offer an interesting range of perspectives, this thesis examines curationism and commercialism in museums and the interactions between curators and retailers.
《高居翰亚洲艺术研究中心落成于伯克利》”James Cahill Asian Study Center Opened in Berkeley,” 《艺术新闻/中文版》2016 年 4 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, April 2016.
《到硅谷去!画廊主们的“新淘金梦”》”Go to Silicon Valley: Gallerists’ New Golden Dream,”《艺术新闻/中文版》2016 年 2 月刊, The Art Newspaper China, February 2016.
Before 2016
“Last Stop Was Digital, Swiss Style,” California College of the Arts, November 2015.
“Kal Spelletich’s Robots Help People Harvest Blessing” (unpublished), May 2015.
“Hugh Scott-Douglas: Promises to Pay in Solid Substance” (unpublished), 2014.